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The Value of Competition

Master Holley

We are holding our very first tournament at Grand Valley Taekwondo next month, the inaugural Grand Valley Games. This is a great opportunity for our students, and I wanted to take a moment today to discuss why competition is so valuable.

When I was preparing to test for my 4th degree black belt, I attended a small, local tournament. I competed in board breaking, mainly to have a chance to practice some of the board breaks I was planning for my test. I practiced my routine and I felt pretty confident.

At the tournament, I struggled to break with my final technique: a blindfolded jump front snap kick. It took me several tries, and though I did eventually break, I was disappointed with my performance.

After the tournament, I went home and drilled that jump front snap kick. I asked my instructor for help, and received great feedback on how to make my kick stronger. I practiced and practiced.

The next time I broke with my jump front snap kick, it was WAY better than it had been at the tournament. I broke first try - and it was higher, faster, and much more powerful.

This is only one small example, but the lesson I learned from this experience was that competition makes me a stronger martial artist. I did prepare for the tournament - that extra practice was valuable! - and I learned even more because of what did not go well. If I had broken adequately at the tournament, I would never have gone to all the extra effort afterward - effort that ultimately made my technique miles better than it had been.

Below are some of the many benefits of competition. Each one could be a post of its own, but for now, I'll just rattle them off:

  • In order to perform well, students need to practice extra - thereby strengthening their technique.

  • Learning to deal with adrenaline

  • Risk taking! Putting it out there with the chance to fail.

  • The opportunity to learn from martial artists with different experience levels. This includes the people in your own division, as well as the opportunity to watch more advanced ranks in their competition.

  • Goal setting. Working toward a tournament results in a big achievement!

  • Developing resilience and tenacity

  • Strengthening emotional control. Emotions can run high, especially when a medal is on the line.

  • Greater confidence

Each event also comes with its own set of benefits.


  • Deeper understanding of the techniques

  • Greater accuracy and sharpness


  • Application of technique is enhanced. When you have to break a board with a technique, you come to understand a lot better how it actually works.

  • Increased power and speed


  • Learning how to take bodily impact in a safe environment - this translates also to stronger self defense

  • Better reaction skills

  • Understanding of timing and distance for striking

And let's not forget one of the best benefits of all - FUN! I absolutely love tournaments. We get to cheer for each other, bond as a team, win medals, and celebrate our shared love of Taekwondo.

I hope that all our students will take advantage of this opportunity to compete. Together we are going to learn, grow, and have a blast!

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